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Simpler Homecare Plans.
Introducing Simpler Homecare Plans.
Protect Your Home and Property with a Homecare Plan
Simpler Law has designed a range of Homecare Plans, ideally suited to homeowners and/or owners of other properties within the United Kingdom.
These plans provide a high level of planning for those that do not yet have a Will, or where they have only made a basic Will which may be out of date, invalid or it does not take into account the complexity of their estate or all of their personal preferences.

How Does the Homecare Plan Work?
Meet the Smith Family and how they benefit from a Homecare Plan

Meet Mr & Mrs Smith, and their two children, Charlie & Frankie. Unfortunately, Mr Smith dies and happily Mrs Smith later gets re-married.
Find out how the Simpler Homecare Plan works, and how the inclusion of a Protective Property Trust can prevent property from attack from third-parties or the unintended distribution of assets. The following two scenarios help explain the benefits of putting a Protective Property Trust in place. Detailed illustrations can also be found in our Simpler Homecare Brochure.
Scenario One:
The Smith Family as Joint Tenants

The standard way to own a property jointly in the UK is commonly known as Joint Tenants. This means that each person owns the property 100%. This may seem to be a sensible approach as, if one person dies, their share automatically transfers to the surviving owner.
However, this can have drawbacks as, ultimately, children can and do regularly miss out on inheritance. In addition to this, if you solely own a property, it can all be taken into consideration when being financially assessed for care home fees.
Scenario Two:
The Smith Family with a Homecare Plan

You can help avoid issues with children not receiving their rightful inheritance and attacks from third-parties by putting a Protective Property Trust in place, which is included in our Homecare and Homecare Plus plans.
This Trust involves changing the way a property is owned, from joint tenants (each own 100% of the property) to tenants in common (each own 50% of the property), and in turn means a number of benefits when one tenant dies and/or if an owner moves to a different property.
Upgrade to Homecare Platinum.

Comprehensive Plan with Ultimate Protection
The Homecare Platinum Plan allows you to protect your assets here and now and to make decisions during your lifetime, which will protect them into the future. This plan is designed for homeowners who not only want to protect their property and other assets during their lifetime but to ensure ultimate protection for their beneficiaries.
The Homecare Platinum Plan is different to standard end of life planning where your wishes are normally contained in documents that aren't actioned until after your death; and any “protection” of your assets that you have planned will only come into effect posthumously. Instead, the plan allows you to protect your assets here and now and to make decisions during your lifetime, which will protect them into the future.
Comparing Our Homecare Plans.

Homecare Plans.
Homecare Plan
Homecare Plan Plus
Homecare Platinum Plan*
Family Estate & Will

Will Trust: Protective Property Trust

Lifetime Trust: Asset Protection Trust

Lasting Power of Attorney: Property & Affairs

Lasting Power of Attorney: Health & Welfare

* Please see separate brochure for full details